MSV Focus HEX 1.18mm strängset 12m FLERA FÄRGER
Ordinarie pris €9,95 EUR Reapris €7,95 EUR Spara €2,00 EURMSV bästsäljande strängar - fler än 1 miljon sålda!
Idealisk tennisträng för klubb- och turnerande tennisspelare med kraftfulla grundslag.
Hexagonalt mönster och kraftfull snap-back effekt för extra bra boll-spin potential.
Högteknologiska tillägg för bästa kontrol, hållbarhet och stabil spänning.
Results of Tennis Warehouse University (1.18mm) (status August 2019; 9 strings tested):
- #1 tension maintenance
- #1 spin potential
- #2 energy return
- Durability score: 93%
- Control - Score: 85%
- Touch - Score: 85%
Results of Stringingpedia lab test (1.23mm): Control: 100/100 points / Spin: 95/100 points Source:
MSV FOCUS-HEX® 1,23mm was awarded String of the Year multiple times by the leading tennis string community ( This string was winner of the following poly categories: durability, spin and tension maintenance. It is the third most rated string ever amongst 2,129 rated strings (MSV did not perform any kind of promotion activity).
92% satisfaction (source:, 415 ratings for all diameters; status: August 2019).